current [and other] activities 

Conference paper “Prototyping Development from the South: Manuals of HRDU, Nairobi,” to be presented at the SAH 2025 Annual International Conference, Atalanta, Georgia, April 30-May 4. 

Conference paper “Building the New Nation: Nordic University Projects in Southeast Africa,” to be presented at the 18th International Docomomo Conference, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, FADEU, Santiago, Chile, 2024, 10-14 December. 
Journal article “Celestial Resistance: Norwegian World Bank Educational Project in Zambia,” a contribution to Footprint 35: “Engaging Cosmotechnical Difference in Architecture and Urbanism: Cosmologies, Technologies, Worlds” (2024). 
Fellow of the Young Investigator Group Preparation Program (YIG Prep Pro), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),  Architecture History, Institute for Architectural Design, Art and Theory. Starting budget of 100,000 EUR.

Conference paper “Contested Comforts: Nordic-Designed University Housing in East Africa,presented at “The Architecture of Need: Collective-Use Facilities and Community Service in the Twentieth Century” Conference, Lisbon and Évora, 29-31 October. 
Guest lecture “Building Welfare: Moelven and the Everyday Architecture” for AHO Master’s Urban Planning course, Fall 2024, 28 August.
Book chapter Towards a Democratic Architecture: Norwegian Experiments in Timber,” in Between Conventional and Experimental. Mass Housing and Prefabrication in Modernist Architecture (KU Leuven Press, 2024), 31-54. 
Conference paper “The Architect of the Party: Torbjørn Rodahl and “Good” Norwegian Architecture,” presented at “The Challenge from Within: Progressive Architects in Capitalist Systems,” ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland, 5-6 July.
Conference paper Nordic Agricultural Offensive in Tanzania,” presented at the bi-annual EAHN 2024 International Architectural History Network Conference, Athens, Greece, 19-23 June. 
Workshop contribution Changing Imaginaries of Urban Solidarity, workshop “Activism! The political dimension of heritage in the post-communist world,” Eastern Europe Interest Group, 8th International Conference of European Architectural History Network (EAHN), Athens, Greece, 19-23 June.
Conference paper The Invisible Hand: Female Bureaucrats and Architecture of Foreign Aid in Post-Independence Kenya,” presented at the “Minding her Business: Women, Architecture, and Design” Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 13-15 June.
Journal article “Countercultural Ujamaa: Planning Lessons from a Tanzanian Village,” a contribution to OASE 117 journal “Project Village” (2024). 
Conference paper “Regimes of Goodness or Good for Business? Pragmatic Lessons from Nordic Humanitarian Design Projects in East Africa, presented at The Future of Humanitarian Design Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 13-14 May. 
Invited respondent to the midterm review for a Senior Project studio course led by Prof. Sarah Aziz, University of New Mexico, New Mexico, 22 April.
Conference paper “Pragmatics of Care: Nordic Standardised Designs for Kenyan District Hospitals,” presented at the SAH 2024 Annual International Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 17-21 April. 
Conference paper Testing Achievements Abroad: Nordic School Project in Tanzania,” presented at the International Conference on History of Modern Architecture, School Architecture, Universidad de Navarra, Spain, 11-12 April. 
Invited respondent to PostDoc research presentation by James Fortuna, “Environmental Design and the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-42” at gta ETH Zurich DocTalks session, Zurich, Switzerland, 9 April. 
Invited panellist of the “Design as Translation” section, Lahore Design Summit, “Simultaneity: Building Non-extractive Global Partnerships,” RISD, MIT, Beaconhouse National University, Lahore, Pakistan, 7-9 March. 
Interview on timber constructions and qualities “Jeżeli coś wygląda na drewniane, to musi być dobre?” for Autoportret 85 [4], “Ścieżki materiałów,” Warsaw, Poland.
Invited internal respondent for the ETH PhD 2022 cohort, pre-final reviews of Fall 2022. 
Convener of the last edition of gta invites lecture series, lecture by Prof. Dr Ijlal Muzaffar (RISD), “Dust and Belonging,” 29-30 November. 
Conference paper “An Open Archive of Research,” presented at the “Architecture Archives of the Future,” Jaap Bakema Study Centre x Nieuwe Instituut, Netherlands, 22-23 November.
Conference paper “Prefabricated Town in the Tropics,” presented at the Affordable Housing Solutions Symposium at the University of Melbourne, Australia, 3-4 November.
Conference paper “Imported Urbanisms: A [Not-So-] Model Town in the Tropics,” presented at the Symposium of Urban Design History and Theory (SUDHT), Delft, Netherlands, 1-3 November.
Conference paper “Outsourcing Pedagogies of Care: Nordic School Project in Zambia,” presented at the International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA), University of Portsmouth UK, 25-27 October. 
Invited workshop contribution “Hot and Cold: Norwegian Architects in the Tropics,” presented at the gta workshop Architecture’s Acclimatization: Historicizing the Climate Questions, Zurich, 29 October.
Conference paper “Nordic Timbers: Not So Ecological After All?” presented at EAHN x MOMA Thematic Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, 11-13 October.
Invited lecture on archival search methods and integrated knowledge systems for AHO PhD methods-school, Oslo, Norway, 11 October.
Invited lecture on archival methods and note-taking systems for AHO PhD methods-school, Oslo, Norway, 30 September.
Conference paper “Sites of Encounter: Nordic School-Building Project in Tanzania,” presented at the International Conference “Building for the Nation Abroad,” Academia Belgica and the Danish Academy in Rome, Italy, 21-22 September.
Journal article Creative Destructions,” a contribution to the second issue of JADH Journal of Architectural Design and History (2024).
Course Lecturer at ETH Master’s Research Seminar CourseThe City Lived: Architects on a Mission” focused on group research of the 1960s global architectural and design projects, Fall 2023.
Conference paper “Modernisms, Mass Produced,” presented at the “Whose Modernism?” conference, the 5th Alvar Aalto Researchers’ Network Seminar, Jyväskylä, Finland, 14-15 June.
Journal article “When Flexibility Became Mainstream: Norwegian Housing in the Age of Change,” for the special issue of the Journal of Architecture “Infinite Flex: Techniques and Technologies of Flexibility in Architectural Production,” [finalised, forthcoming, 2024].
Research presentation lecture at the University of Queensland, School of Architecture. 
Resident at Architecture, Theory, Criticism, History Research Centre at the University of Queensland, Australia. Archival research on networks of timber architecture. 
ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship Award for a two-year research project entitled “The Business of Foreign Aid: Nordic Architecture in Postcolonial Africa” (240,000 CHF). 
Conference paper “Marginalia: An Archive of Research,” presented at the NORDIK 2022 Association for Art Historians Conference “Collections,” University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-27 October.
Exhibition “Marginalia,” accompanying the completion of PhD research at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway, 20-30 August. 
PhD Publication “Factory-Made: Everyday Architecture of Moelven Brug, 1955-1973,” CON-Text 117, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, PhD Dissertation.
Conference paper “Wholesale Modularity of Moelven Brug,” presented at the 7th International Conference of European Architectural History Network (EAHN), Madrid, Spain, 15-18 June. 
Contribution “Don’t Wait for Another War” to the round table discussion for the Eastern Europe Interest Group, 7th International Conference of European Architectural History Network (EAHN), Madrid, Spain, 15-18 June.
Panel Chair “Large Construction Companies in a Global Context” with Davide Spina (ETH Zurich),  SAH 2022 Annual International Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 27 April-1 May. 
Conference paper “Fractured Archives of the Ordinary,” presented at the 8th Forum of Architectural Studies, “The Power of Sources in Architecture Research and Practice,” Berlin, Germany, 9-11 March.
Invited respondent to a PhD research presentation by Anna Livia Vørsel, “Becoming Evident: Material Forms of Knowing,” at gta ETH Zurich DocTalks session, Zurich, Switzerland, 14 December.
Lecture and workshop “Architecture, Factory-Made” for AHO Master’s Studio Course Timber Toppings, Oslo, Norway, 5 November.
Invited magazine contribution on Oslo’s densification strategies and speculative housing projects, +KOTE architecture magazine, with Ute Groba and Ona Flindall. 
Invited reviewer for AHO PhD school mid-term colloquium, Oslo, Norway, 25 October.
Invited lecture “File Not Found” on note-taking systems and digital archiving for AHO PhD methods-school, Oslo, Norway, 13 October. 
Invited lecture “Tips and Tricks” on research strategies and archival work for first year AHO PhD students, Oslo, Norway, 20 September. 
Conference paper “Japanese Temporariness in Norwegian Systems Architecture,” 16th DOCOMOMO 2020(+1) International Conference “Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities” in Tokyo, Japan, 29 August-2 September.
Journal Article “Narratives of Timber in 1960s Norwegian Prefabricated Architecture,” Architectural Theory Review 25 (1-2): 81-98. DOI: 10.1080/13264826.2021.1963297.
Conference paper “From Workers to Operators: Labour of Moelven Brug,” presented at the 2021 Construction History Annual Conference, panel “Professionalism and the Building Trades,” Cambridge, United Kingdom, 27-29 August.
Conference paper “Wooden churches, Managers and Fulbright Scholars: Glued Laminated Timber in 1950s Norway” presented at the panel “Modern Materials and Networks: The Agency and Entanglement of Things, People and Institutions”, the 7th International Congress on Construction History, Lisbon, Portugal, 12-16 July.
Invited round-table contribution “Infrastructural Affections” at Bauhaus Study Rooms event “Challenging Infrastructure Modernism,” panel “Nervous Systems: Infrastructures as Assemblages,” Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany, 17-18 June.
Conference paper “Norwegian Experiments in Timber: Mass Housing of Moelven Brug” presented at DOCOMOMO Israel-Germany Conference “From Conventional to Experimental—Mass Housing and Prefabrication,” EU COST-action “Middle-Class Mass Housing,” Technion Institute of Technology, Israel, 14-15 June. 
Interview by Marisa Cortright for a book on architectural workers and organising in Europe, “Can this be?” VI PER Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic, 2021, 9 June. 
Book chapter “A Building Manual” in Concrete for the Other Half? (Leipzig: Spector Books, 2021), 51-64.  
Workshop contribution “How Things Got Made: Moelven Brug in the 1960s” presented at the Doctoral Talks graduate session, gta, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 30 March. 
Exhibition “Concrete for The Other Half?” as a result of Bauhaus Lab project research, televised discussion at Bauhaus Study Rooms ‘Habitat” round table; recorded guided exhibition tours. Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany, 1 December-10 June.
Invited guest lecture “Moelven Brug and Everyday Spaces of the Norwegian Welfare State” at “Re-store Prefab” Masters Course, AHO, Oslo, Norway, 14 November.
Research Residency at the 2020 Global Modernism Bauhaus Lab “A Concrete for the Other Half,” Bauhaus-Dessau, Germany in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) in Montreal, Canada. Research into material histories of sulfur concrete at the CCA archives.
Conference Paper “Fabricating a New Tradition: Norwegian Timber in System-Building” presented at the SAH 2020 Annual International Conference, panel “Building with Timber: Beyond Global Material and Regional Culture.” Seattle, USA, 30 April-1 May. 
Conference paper “Norwegian Systems Architecture: Prefabrication of Moelven Brug” presented at the 2020 Annual Construction History Conference (CHS), “History of Building Construction,” Queen’s College, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3-5 April.
Guest lecture and seminar “Archaeologies of Production” for KTH Master Studio on industrial prefabrication systems with Erik Stenberg, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, 12 February. 
Colloquium contribution “Constructing the Construction History” presented at Constructing History colloquium, AHO, Oslo, Norway, 25 October. 
Conference paper “Fabricating an Educated Consumer: Alternative Production Models of Moelven Brug” presented at the 2nd Urban History Conference, “Interpreting 20th Century European Urbanism,” Stockholm, Sweden, 23 October.
Workshop contribution “Flexible Subjectivities of Moelven Meccano” presented at Changing Welfare workshop as a part of the Architecture and Welfare Research Network, Oslo, Norway 1-2 October 2018, and Copenhagen, Denmark, 9-10 April 2019. 
in progress